Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Kyle is an AMAZING father... but..... :-)

Kyle is an amazing dad!  The kids adore him!  Most of the time he is the "fun" parent!  He is not the one to push them to do chores, read or bathe!  He wrestles, tickles, plays legos or tag!  I like to think that when I'm gone he is not just the "fun" parent but who knows!! 

Last night I went out on a much needed girls night!  Amazing dinner and some fun shopping!!  I was able to relax and not worry about my kids, this rarely happens!! 
Great night out with some lovely ladies!
As I was walking in from my fun night out I almost tripped on my sidewalk.  Water bottles, hand soap (2 of my favorite Bath & Body Works) and mouthwash.... what?  Why was that on the sidewalk??    As I was getting ready to open the door Kyle opened it and walked outside!  I laughed and asked what that stuff was doing outside!  He said that the kids were doing experiments! 
After going inside and unwinding a bit I asked Kyle about the experiments again!  Here's what he said! 

Kyle, "I walked in the bathroom and saw the kids doing experiments.  I told them not to make a mess.  Then we went outside to do smoke bombs.  After we did those the kids got their experiments and brought them outside.  Then they got the hose and watered the flowers, cracks in the sidewalk, cars and their bikes."
Me, "That's my nice soap and now their mouthwash is all gone."
Kyle, "I don't want to kill science for them.  They were watching the colors change"
Me, "Couldn't you give them food coloring and not my $5.00 soaps!"
Kyle, "The kids had fun doing science experiments for $15.00.  Not bad."
Me, "Our whole family can go to the beach for $5.00!!!!!!"

Bathroom sink
 So, Kyle is an AMAZING father... but sometimes I want to choke him!  :-)

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