Thursday, December 8, 2011

Miss Addison

Addison's Choice
The past month Addison has been coming home singing Christmas songs and so happy.  She LOVES to one time she wanted to have a career of singing at a zoo for people!!  :-)  Her stage name would be Addison Bieber!  Well, she had a school Christmas program to get ready for!

On Tuesday we went shopping for her Christmas program.  I wanted her to wear something nice but not over the top!  Everything I picked out she hated.  It was too colorful, too stiff, too much purple or not enough red.  ugh... she is the queen of excuses!  Then she found this little white vest & BEGGED to wear it.  When we were in the changing room she picked out the red long sleeve & black dress capri pants... ugh... nightmare!!!!  I made her try on around 50 outfits and she would not budge on what to wear.  oh... she also wanted to wear her boots with this  and that would have looked even goofier!!

My Choice
Thank goodness that grandma came in and bribed her with ice cream!  At first she wasn't going for it but after a few seconds she quickly changed her mind.  THANK YOU GRANDMA!!!

Addison thought the outfit made her look like a ninja!  :-)  Grandma told her that she looked like a Addison said "BAAAA!!

I posted this picture on my facebook and asked if I was a bad mom for not letting her wear this.  Here is my favorite comment I got....
It reminds me of a shepherd, so if she was playing a shepherd in the program yes? 


She did look very cute at her program. 

I asked her why she sat by all boys and she said those boys are all her best friends.  Her having 2 brothers that she gets along with great might be a problem.  She would rather play ninjas or batman than dolls & Barbie's.
The Christmas program was very cute and only 30 minutes long!!  30 minutes is perfect for Mr. Owen who is a wild child.  The seating was a little crowded but that was my only complaint.  At the end of the show Santa & Mrs. Clause made an appearance.  The kids were very excited!! 

Addison had a bunch of people come see her.  Mommy, daddy, brothers, aunt & uncle, grandparents & a great aunt!!  Aunt Stephie even got her a rose!!  Addison thought she was a superstar with that flower!!


  1. Hey! I gave your blog a shout out on mine, and I stole this pic to go with it, lol. If theres a different one you want me to update it with, let me know.
